PATH: con "/dis/lib/redis.dis";
initmod: fn(s: Sys, d: Dial, b: Bufio, st: String);
- call: fn(io: ref Iobuf, cmd: list of string): list of (int, string);
- sendcmd: fn(io: ref Iobuf, cmd: list of string): int;
- packcmd: fn(cmd: list of string): string;
+ connect: fn(addr: string): ref RedisClient;
+ client: fn(io: ref Iobuf): ref RedisClient;
parsecmd: fn(s: string, qc: int): (list of string, int);
- printresult: fn(io: ref Iobuf);
- parseresult: fn(io: ref Iobuf): list of (int, string);
+ packcmd: fn(cmd: list of string): string;
RStr, RInt, RErr: con iota + 1;
setdebug: fn(state: int);
+ RedisClient: adt {
+ call: fn(c: self ref RedisClient, cmd: list of string): list of (int, string);
+ # You probably won't need these:
+ sendcmd: fn(c: self ref RedisClient, cmd: list of string): int;
+ printresult: fn(c: self ref RedisClient);
+ parseresult: fn(c: self ref RedisClient): list of (int, string);
+ # Internal:
+ io: ref Bufio->Iobuf;
+ };