= RubyGems Homepage: :: http://rubygems.org Announcements: :: http://blog.rubygems.org Documentation: :: http://guides.rubygems.org Support: :: http://help.rubygems.org Source: :: http://github.com/rubygems/rubygems Bugtracker: :: http://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/issues == DESCRIPTION RubyGems is a package management framework for Ruby. This gem is an update for the RubyGems software. You must have an installation of RubyGems before this update can be applied. See Gem for information on RubyGems (or `ri Gem`) To upgrade to the latest RubyGems, run: $ gem update --system # you might need to be an administrator or root See UPGRADING.rdoc for more details and alternative instructions. ----- If you don't have RubyGems installed, you can still do it manually: * Download from: https://rubygems.org/pages/download * Unpack into a directory and cd there * Install with: ruby setup.rb # you may need admin/root privilege For more details and other options, see: ruby setup.rb --help == GETTING HELP === Support Requests Are you unsure of how to use RubyGems? Do you think you've found a bug and you're not sure? If that is the case, the best place for you is to file a support request at {help.rubygems.org}[http://help.rubygems.org]. === Filing Tickets Got a bug and you're not sure? You're sure you have a bug, but don't know what to do next? In any case, let us know about it! The best place for letting the RubyGems team know about bugs or problems you're having is {on the RubyGems issues page at GitHub}[http://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/issues]. === Bundler Compatibility See http://bundler.io/compatibility for known issues.